Honda Odyssey Service Manual: Hazard Warning Switch Test/Replacement

  1. Remove the center panel.

  1. Remove the two screws and the hazard warning switch (A).

  2. 1 2 3 4 5 A
  1. Check for continuity between the terminals in each switch position according to the table.

  2. TerminalPositionONOFF1245
  1. If the continuity is not as specified, remove the covers (A), then check the bulb (B). If the bulb is OK, replace the switch assembly.

  2. BAA
  1. Install the switch in the reverse order of removal.

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    Special Tools Required Ball Joint Thread Protector, 12 mm 07AAF-SDAA100 Ball Joint Remover, 28 mm 07MAC-SL0A202 Subframe Adapter VSB02C000016 *Available through the Honda Tool and Equipment Program, 888-424-6857. Note these items during removal: Using clean solvent and a brush, wash any oil and dirt ...

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    Honda Odyssey Service Manual

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