Honda Odyssey Service Manual: Combination Light Switch Test/Replacement

Honda Odyssey Service Manual / Body / Body Electrical / Lighting / Headlight Leveling Motors / Combination Light Switch Test/Replacement

  1. Remove the steering column covers.

  1. Disconnect the 12P connector (A) from the combination light switch (B).

  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 2 AB
  3. Remove the two screws, then slide out the combination light switch.

  1. Inspect the connector terminals to be sure they are all making good contact.

    • If the terminals are bent, loose or corroded, repair them as necessary, and recheck the system.

    • If the terminals look OK, go to step 5.

  1. Check for continuity between the terminals in each switch position according to the tables.

  2. Light switchTurn signal switch1375677118910HeadlightswitchPassingswitchOFFAUTOONOFFHIGHLOWLEFTRIGHTNeutralFront Fog light switchONOFFTerminalPositionTerminalPositionTerminalPosition??????????????????????
  3. If the continuity is not as specified, replace the switch.

  1. Install the switch in the reverse order of removal.

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